In Concert with Good helps nonprofits build capacity and manage volunteers effectively, improving both the immediate effectiveness and the long-term sustainability of their volunteer workforce.
Most nonprofits spend a significant amount of their resources in an effort to recruit, train, manage and retain volunteers. We know this expenditure of resources – dollars and staffing – impedes their ability and capacity to do their good work. In Concert with Good offers a new solution. We call it VOLUNTEER RAISING. We do more then just take volunteers names.
We help nonprofits build the capacity that allows them to utilize volunteers recruited as a result of the marketing provided by the artist.
We help nonprofits create and manage volunteer events that serve a pressing community need and also gives volunteers a chance to learn about further volunteer opportunities.
We help nonprofits build a sustainable volunteer corps — connecting volunteers with causes and positions that engage them through use of their existing skills and passions. We collect their stories and share the impact of their work.
When nonprofits are freed from the burden of recruitment, their valuable resources can be focused directly on serving their mission.
SOUNDING GOOD?- If you are a nonprofit interested in rejuvenating your volunteer recruitment and retention efforts, at no cost to you – it’s time to talk. Contact